6 Ways for Artists to Boost Self-Esteem and Build Confidence

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6 Ways for Artists to Boost Self-Esteem and Build Confidence

6 Ways for Artists to Boost Self-Esteem and Build Confidence 1024 576 Stephanie Menji

Whether you’ve been making art for many years or just started, confidence is something that most artists struggle with. There are many factors that can affect your confidence, but the biggest culprit for artists is the negative connotation the profession has.

For years people have thought that artists are outcasts of society who have to be martyrs for their work and sacrifice financial stability. This not only makes the term “starving artist” normal but it’s something that many creatives believe. This needs to stop! You are capable of being financially stable while doing work that you love!

But in order to achieve the life you always wanted you have to change your mindset first. At the beginning it may not be easy, but if you practice the following exercises you will become more confident and sure of yourself.

  1. Believe in your ability to figure things out
  2. Accept failure and rejection
  3. Embrace Who You Are and tell yourself that you are awesome
  4. Practice Gratitude
  5. Change your mental focus & Ask yourself the right questions
  6. Get Out of your Comfort Zone

Watch this video to learn more about these tips in detail.

These things will help you train your mind to trust in yourself and believe in your abilities. Remember, if you can’t convince yourself that you are great it will be even harder to convince others. Stay tuned for the next video!

Thanks for watching,
